Monday, August 03, 2009

Anger Has Its Place

Bob Herbert, New York Times Op-Ed, August 1, 2009:

New York City cops make upwards of a half-million stops of private citizens each year, questioning and frequently frisking these men, women and children. The overwhelming majority of those stopped are black or Latino, and the overwhelming majority are innocent of any wrongdoing. A true “teachable moment” would focus a spotlight on such outrages and the urgent need to stop them.


David said...

I have to agree. Anger does have its place. But NYPD is only going off past experiences of pulling over blacks and latinos because of the high risk they are in America. Especially in that area.

cheshire solicitors said...

I agree, anger certainly has its place. It's a shame that certain groups are always singled out.

driving offence solicitor said...

I hate it when innocen people are stopped, I understand checks must be maintained though

litigation jobs said...

Why is it always the same groups that are unfairly singled out?!

divorce lawyer cheshire said...

I think this is a reallyn interesting topic. it still surprises me how often this happens in this day and age.

expat divorce said...

I agree, this type of thing seems to be happening too often.